
Sunday morning service at 10:30am - Coombes Community Centre

We would love to welcome you on a Sunday at our church in Royston!

We are meeting all together again on Sundays from 10:30am until 12pm, at the Coombes Community Centre in Royston (map here). 

Our services normally start with singing, prayer, and a children’s talk.  Different members of the church take part.  After this, the children go to Sunday School for their own talk and crafts.  The adults then pray, hear a Bible reading, and listen to a talk from the Bible which shows how it is relevant to our lives today.  Our music is a mix of modern songs and traditional hymns. Everyone is welcome to stay afterwards for tea and coffee, to chat and catch up.

We hold communion on the third Sunday of each month, and all believers are welcome to take part. Following communion services we hold a bring and share lunch to which all are invited.

Sunday evening service at 6pm

Every second Sunday in the month we have an evening service held at the church building (map here).  This consists of singing, prayer and a talk from the Bible.

Monthly prayer meetings at 6pm

We normally meet together once a month at the church building for our church prayer meeting.  This is an opportunity for us to meet and pray together for the work of the church, the people of Royston and further afield.